My name is GianMaria Romanato, I am based in Italy in the nice city of Padua. I am a seasoned software professional with more than 2 decades of experience.

I am also a proud dad of two kids and a hobbyist mountain-biker.

I started messing around with computers in the late 80’s, using a Commodore 64 with a floppy disk drive, a dot matrix printer and a 2400 Baud modem to connect to BBSes, often running on another Commodore 64.

I graduated in 2000 in software engineering and since then I have been working professionally in product development on enterprise-level Web applications.

I am a hands-on guy, and I belive that my low-level experience with hardware and assembly as a kid gave me a chance to comprehend very well how hardware and software blend together and allowed me to better understand the evolution of technology in the last 20 years.

Although I never had a chance to professionally work on open source projects, I am a strong believer in open source. I often contributed to open source projects with bug reports, bug fixes, pull requests, especially on Apache Foundation and Eclipse Foundation projects (because these two organizations host a lot of open source that I used during my career) and of course also on github. In my limited spare time I participate as an individual committer to a project hosted at Eclipse Foundation. My contributions however are limited and always produced late at night or during holidays when not too busy with work or family matters.