How to fix unreadable Eclipse tooltips in Ubuntu 12.04

[Originally posted on G+ on May 7th 2012] Similarly to what happened in earlier versions of Ubuntu, the default tooltip colors of the Ambiance theme (Ubuntu default) results in unreadable Eclipse tooltips (black foreground text on black background).In earlier versions of Ubuntu you could edit the Ambiance theme via Gnome... [Read More]
Tags: ubuntu Eclipse

Jericho HTML Parser

[Originally posted on G+ on February 6th 2012]Yesterday evening I was looking for a HTML parser that would be tolerant wrt malformed documents. I first looked at Jericho HTML (I read about it a while back), and when looking for a comparison between Jericho and CyberNeko HTML Parser [Read More]

Sonar and PDE Build

[Originally posted on G+ on the 17th of January 2012] I finally completed the integration of #Sonar ( in our PDEBuild ( based build system.RequirementsI was looking for an integration approach that would allow us to run the analysis on our OSGi bundles and to globally define default values for... [Read More]